Spectrum Design Group

On the Second Day of Christmas, Spectrum Design Group Gives You: Two Resolutions for 2021

On the second day of Christmas, Spectrum Design Group gives you: Two Resolutions and One New Website in a pear tree.

Great! Just what you need; somebody pushing idyllic and unrealistic goals on you, especially after this year

I’ve thought about this a lot over the past few months and have come up with a couple of resolutions that I think are achievable, sustainable, and beneficial to all of us. Before you click delete, hear me out.

Resolution #1: Rest

There have been plenty of books written on this concerning increased productivity, creativity, improved physical health, and stronger relationships. Maybe I should read them. I can tell you that as a husband, father, son to elderly parents, and a small business owner, life comes at you in multiple streams. I’m sure most of you can relate. To be honest, I thrive on that pace. There is a certain rush that comes with rising to meet the demands in front of me.

When we had to shelter in place this spring, I suddenly had to press pause. Initially, it sort of freaked me out. But after a few days of flailing, I realized the whole world was doing the same thing. Because of that collective pause, I felt I could take a cleansing breath, step back, be still, and…wait for it…rest.

I was able to be quiet and I did a lot of reading and listening. I went for mid-day runs, binge-watched Netflix (pretty sure all of it) with my family, and went to bed at a decent time. It was amazing! I simply felt renewed. Although I may never have a scenario like our spring again, I felt the benefits and want to continue the discipline.

For me, it means simple things like:

  • Stopping to eat lunch and not eat it at my desk.

  • Pausing my messaging apps during certain hours.

  • Syncing my downtime with my wife and kids.

  • Scheduling and pacing my workdays. (At least try.)

  • Taking a full day each week to not work on work.

  • Making regular time to read, pause, and listen.

  • Going on more adventures

  • Taking more naps!

This is certainly not the definitive list, but attainable things I can do to “rest.” What simple adjustments would you make?

Resolution #2: Reboot the 80’s power Lunch

I don’t know about you, but I sure miss being with people. I feel like I’ve allowed our external conditions and the busyness of life to keep me from nurturing friendships and growing new ones.

So here’s my idea: Each month, go to breakfast/lunch/coffee with someone I either haven’t talked to in a while or want to know better. 12 months, 12 people, 12 stories!

I’m not sure how this will look in our current environment, but please humor me if you get the call. I promise not to wear my red power tie.

Well there you have it; two resolutions for 2021. Be sure to ask how I’m doing in mid-March.

Happy Holidays!

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Jeff Owner/Principal
Jeff Kaper is the owner/principal of Spectrum Design Group LLC. For over 30 years, he has helped his clients navigate the tension of form, function, budget, and disruption to create uniquely personal, enduring spaces to do life. He is a raving fan of the intrinsic joy good design brings to our daily lives. He also finds joy leading the SDG family and its story still being written.

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