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Author name: Kara

Responsibilities of Interior Designers and Clients

The Responsibilities of a Good Interior Designer and a Good Client

Last week, we discussed everything you need to know about interior designers and how to interview them to find the right fit for you and your project. But that’s only half of a successful partnership, which happens because the people involved have figured out how to communicate and trust one another. Their work together is productive, and they experience positive outcomes. Each person involved understands they have responsibilities to fulfill to meet their goals. The same is true for the relationship (partnership) between interior designers and their clients. Each party must fulfill its responsibilities to ensure a beautiful outcome. Many people, however, have never worked with an interior designer and are uncertain what to expect. Never fear; we’re here to help. Read on to learn what you should expect from your interior designer and what they expect from you. The Responsibilities of Good Interior Designers Every interior designer is responsible for ensuring your project runs smoothly, meeting expectations, and achieving goals. The best interior designers will: Listen. Your designer needs to be someone who listens to you. Every home tells a story, and your designer must learn it. A good designer will use that story to make the space beautiful but also functional and enduring. Communicate. Interior designers must keep you informed about what’s happening with your project. They should be available to answer questions and receptive to your feedback. Interior design is very personal, so two-way communication is paramount. Adhere to the budget. The budget should be established at the beginning of the project. Interior designers need to know this so they don’t design something you can’t afford. Some clients feel withholding their budget is in their best interest, but the opposite is true. Withholding your budget only leads to disappointment when the designer designs something that includes everything on your wish list, but you ultimately can’t afford it. However, once the interior designer knows the budget, they must design within those parameters. They should present plans far beyond your budget boundaries if you tell them of a budget increase or the scope of work increases. Your Responsibilities as a Good Client A successful project is a two-way street. Yes, you are hiring someone to work for you, but you have responsibilities as the client that also help ensure a successful project. Communicate. Decorators and designers sometimes feel they need a degree in psychology, but they aren’t mindreaders. Communicate with them. Let them know what you like and don’t like, and let them know sooner rather than later. You will not hurt their feelings. It’s much easier (and cheaper) to make changes early. Be responsive and decisive. Your project will only stay on schedule if you are an active participant. Answer emails and return phone calls promptly. Answer questions and make decisions as quickly as possible. If you plan on going out of town for an extended period or will be unreachable, let them know so they can work around those periods. We provide a schedule for the entire design at the beginning of the project. That schedule includes all the meeting dates so the designer and the client can address conflicts early and add all pertinent dates to their calendars. Have an open mind. You’re hiring a professional to help create a beautiful and meaningful space. They can see the big picture; good interior designers will meld the new space with the old. It’s exciting to see where a good designer can take space when clients allow them to be their most creative. I like the clients who stand back and let the designer do what they do best, as their projects are often the most unique and creative. Trust them. The best projects are those in which the client completely trusts the designer. If you don’t trust your designer to do their best work for you and address the pain points you want to alleviate, don’t hire them. It takes a lot of trust in someone to feel free to have an open mind and to watch them take a project in a direction you may not have envisioned, but if you can trust the person you hired, your end product will be phenomenal. Begin with a realistic budget. Good interior designers will let you know immediately if your budget aligns with your vision or if you have champagne taste on a beer budget. If the budget is close, they can help you narrow your wish list so it works; otherwise, they should be upfront with you and explain that what you want cannot be done within your budget. Often, though, the scope of a project grows as the design progresses. For instance, you hire someone to redesign your kitchen, but then you realize you want the adjoining entryway updated as well, and the other walls look dingy now, so you want to paint the neighboring rooms, too. Unless you’re willing to cut some of your wish list items from the initially contracted kitchen project, you will need to increase your budget for both time and materials because now your designer is spending time on other areas outside the initial scope, and those areas will require additional materials. It may not seem like much, but scope creep is a big deal. Your designer isn’t trying to nickel and dime you or trick you. The increased scope does take more time. Working Together Communication and trust go a long way in building any relationship. When the right fit is found, the relationship built between a client and an interior designer can last for years. People may start as clients, but in the end, we call them family. It’s a beautiful business.

Timeless Spaces vs. Trendy Designs

Timeless Spaces vs. Trendy Designs

Welcome to another Ask Me Anything, where Cory Rodeheaver talks to Dawn Bane about timeless spaces versus trendy designs in our homes. In this video, Cory questions the realistic expectations surrounding trendy designs and their effect on how we feel about our homes, surroundings, and even self-confidence. Dawn, our in-house designer and color strategist, is best equipped to emphasize the importance of creating timeless and classic spaces that resonate with personal love and joy rather than feeling pressured by fleeting trends. So, whether you’re a design enthusiast or someone seeking to find peace in their surroundings, here they are, talking about why cultivating a space that truly feels like home, tailored to your preferences and lifestyle, far outweighs the fleeting satisfaction of trend-following. Personal Comfort and Well-Being First and foremost, your home should be a sanctuary where you feel at ease and relaxed. When prioritizing comfort over trends, you create an environment catering to your needs and preferences. This sense of comfort directly affects your well-being and mental health. A home that reflects your personality and preferences can provide joy and stability. In contrast, one that is constantly changing to keep up with trends can lead to a sense of restlessness and dissatisfaction. Timelessness Over Trendy Designs Trendy designs come and go, often changing drastically from year to year. What’s considered stylish today may be outdated tomorrow. Investing time and money into following these trends can be exhausting and financially draining. On the other hand, creating a timeless space with classic elements ensures that your home remains stylish and relevant for years. Timeless design often focuses on quality and durability, meaning your home will look good and stand the test of time. Financial Considerations Keeping up with the latest trendy designs can be expensive. Trends often encourage the purchase of new furniture, decor, and accessories, which can quickly add up. For many, this constant spending is neither practical nor sustainable. Focusing on creating a comfortable and personalized space allows you to make more thoughtful purchases. By choosing pieces you love that serve your needs, you invest in items that bring long-term satisfaction rather than short-lived excitement. Self-Expression and Individuality Your home reflects who you are. You create a space that tells your story by prioritizing your tastes and comfort. This level of self-expression fosters a deeper connection to your home, making it a place where you feel truly yourself. In contrast, adhering strictly to trendy designs can create a home that feels impersonal and devoid of your unique touch. When you design a space that is authentically yours, you celebrate your individuality and create a home that is uniquely yours. Reducing Stress and Anxiety The pressure to keep up with the latest trends can lead to stress and anxiety. Social media often amplifies this pressure, where perfectly curated spaces are showcased, making it easy to feel inadequate or behind. However, it’s important to remember that these images often represent an idealized version of reality, not everyday life. Focusing on what makes you comfortable and happy can alleviate this pressure and create a more peaceful environment. Practicality and Functionality Trendy designs might look good in a magazine spread, but they may not always be practical for everyday living. When you prioritize comfort, you naturally consider the functionality of your space. This means creating a home that works for your lifestyle—a cozy reading nook, a well-organized kitchen, or a comfortable living room for family gatherings. Practicality and functionality ensure that your home meets your everyday needs, making it a more enjoyable place to live. Sustainable Living Following trends often means buying new items frequently, which can contribute to environmental waste. Focusing on creating a comfortable and personalized home increases the likelihood of making sustainable choices. This might involve repurposing existing furniture, buying second-hand items, or choosing high-quality pieces that will last. Sustainable living benefits the environment and creates a more meaningful connection with the items in your home. Emotional Attachment Choosing items for your home based on personal comfort and taste makes you more likely to develop an emotional attachment to them. These items become more than just decor; they hold memories and sentimental value. This emotional attachment contributes to the overall feeling of warmth and comfort in your home. In contrast, items bought purely to follow trends often lack this deeper significance and can quickly be discarded when the next trend arrives. Confidence In Your Choices One key benefit of designing your home for comfort rather than trends is the confidence it brings. When you make choices based on what you love and what feels right for you, you build confidence in your personal style. This confidence can extend beyond your home and into other areas of your life. Constantly chasing trends can lead to self-doubt and a sense of inadequacy when one feels one can’t keep up. Trendy Designs Inspire, Not Dictate Ultimately, your home should reflect you, where you feel comfortable, happy, and at peace. While trendy designs can offer inspiration, they should never dictate your choices. By prioritizing comfort and personal taste, you create a timeless, functional, and meaningful space that feels like home. This approach enhances your well-being and confidence and fosters a deeper connection to your home. So, embrace what you love and let your home be a testament to your unique style and comfort.

Bread Box Storage Ideas

Storage Ideas for Your Kitchen—From Low to High Cost

It was serendipitous when I stumbled upon a video showcasing innovative kitchen storage ideas. One that caught my eye was a cleverly designed stool that discreetly folded out of a cabinet, providing easy access to high shelves without dragging out a stepstool or ladder. While initially marketed for kids, I couldn’t help but think of the many adults who could benefit from this ingenious solution. This got me thinking about other storage ideas for your kitchen, ranging from affordable IKEA hacks to luxurious high-end solutions. Kitchen Storage Ideas Houzz is a great place to start because it has hundreds of thousands of ideas, from custom pantries and corner drawers to utensils and undersink drawers.  Better Homes and Gardens details some ideas you can implement in less than an hour. Check out their water bottle organizers, countertop organizers, open shelves, and creative command centers.  The Spruce has 22 ideas to control the clutter. They recommend out-of-the-box ideas, such as secondary shelving, sliding baskets, height layering, and pretty clips. Of course, IKEA has all sorts of solutions, and the internet is rife with hacks to make their stuff look higher-end. You can find the “genius” kitchen, how to put the walls to work, and cabinet and drawer organizers. And last, but certainly not least, Elfa has some pantry and kitchen inspiration, from spice racks and rolling workspaces to open shelving and chalkboard command centers. Cost-Effective Kitchen Storage Solutions Now that you have some inspiration, it’s time to get to work. Let’s explore some budget-friendly options that offer clever storage solutions without compromising style or practicality. IKEA Hacks: We’ve already discussed finding IKEA hacks online. The possibilities are endless, from repurposing bookshelves as pantry organizers to using spice racks as bathroom storage. Check out online tutorials and forums for inspiration and step-by-step instructions on transforming IKEA products into customized storage solutions. To get what you want, Google “IKEA Hack + Kitchen” and choose whatever your heart desires. DIY Projects: Embrace your inner DIY enthusiast and tackle simple projects to enhance kitchen storage. Build your own shelving units using inexpensive materials like plywood and brackets. Install pegboards on empty walls or inside doors to hang pots, pans, and cooking utensils for easy access. Repurpose old crates or baskets as storage bins for pantry items or produce. Creativity and basic woodworking skills allow you to create functional storage solutions that suit your kitchen’s layout and design aesthetic. Upcycling and Repurposing: Look around your home for items that can be repurposed or upcycled into kitchen storage solutions. Turn mason jars into stylish countertop organizers for dry goods like rice, pasta, and grains. Transform old wooden crates into rustic wall-mounted shelves for storing cookbooks, spices, or decorative accents. Repurpose unused furniture pieces like dressers or cabinets by giving them a fresh coat of paint and adding new hardware for a budget-friendly storage upgrade. Dollar Store Finds: Don’t underestimate the power of dollar stores regarding affordable storage solutions. Explore your local dollar store for inexpensive bins, baskets, and organizers to help corral clutter your kitchen cabinets and drawers. Stock up on budget-friendly items like drawer dividers, shelf liners, and stackable containers to maximize storage space without breaking the bank. With creativity and strategic placement, you can achieve a tidy and organized kitchen on a shoestring budget. Thrift Store Treasures: Like IKEA hacks, the internet has many options for thrift store finds–from old bookshelves turned into raised beds to bundt pans into bird baths or centerpieces. Browse thrift stores, garage sales, and flea markets for unique storage containers and accessories at bargain prices. You never know what hidden gems you might find, from vintage canisters and glass jars to decorative baskets and trays. Give old items a new lease on life by incorporating them into your kitchen decor or repurposing them as storage solutions. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also add character and charm to your kitchen with one-of-a-kind finds. With creativity, resourcefulness, and inspiration, you can implement clever storage ideas that suit your budget and lifestyle. Many affordable options enhance your kitchen’s functionality and style, whether you opt for IKEA hacks, DIY projects, upcycled finds, or dollar-store treasures. Embrace the challenge of finding solutions that fit your home and your family, and enjoy the satisfaction of creating a beautifully organized kitchen.

A Guide to Incorporating Home Technology

A Guide to Incorporating High-Tech Features with Style

Home technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate, changing not only how we work but also how we live in our homes. There are many exciting features, but they can be overwhelming as you consider using them to enhance your home’s functionality and elevate the interior design.  We’ve simplified it for you. Here is a list of how you can use home technology to transform your living space, what to consider from an interior design perspective, and practical steps to incorporate these innovations seamlessly into your home. Understanding the Power of Home Technology Before delving into integrating technology into your home, it’s crucial to understand its potential.  Here are some of the key benefits: Enhanced Convenience: smart homes are designed to make life easier. With a simple smartphone tap or voice command, you can control lighting, climate, security, and entertainment systems. Improved Efficiency: high-tech solutions can help you save energy and reduce utility bills. Smart thermostats, lighting systems, and appliances can be programmed to operate efficiently and adjust to your preferences and habits. Enhanced Security: advanced security systems with smart cameras, sensors, and access control provide peace of mind by offering real-time monitoring and alerts. Entertainment at Its Best: incorporating technology into your home can elevate your entertainment experience. Think 4K OLED TVs, immersive sound systems, and home theaters. Increased Property Value: adding home technology can significantly boost the value of your home, making it more appealing to future buyers. The Marriage of Home Technology and Interior Design Now that we understand the benefits let’s explore how to integrate technology into your home’s interior design seamlessly: Start with a Plan: before rushing into any tech purchases, work with a professional interior designer to create a cohesive plan that seamlessly incorporates technology. This includes deciding where to place devices, conceal wiring, and choose technology that complements your aesthetic. Focus on Aesthetics: today’s tech gadgets come in various styles, colors, and finishes. Choose devices that match your interior design theme. For example, sleek and minimalist smart speakers can blend effortlessly into a modern living room, while vintage-inspired options may suit a more classic decor. Concealed Wiring: nothing disrupts the harmony of a well-designed room like visible wires and cables. Consider in-wall or in-ceiling wiring solutions to keep your space clutter-free. Smart Lighting: smart lighting systems offer convenience and can also serve as a design element. With customizable color temperatures and dimming capabilities, you can create different moods for different occasions. Hidden Tech: if you prefer a minimalist look, explore options like hidden TV lifts or motorized projectors that can be concealed when not in use. Natural Integration: when choosing tech devices, opt for ones that can seamlessly integrate with each other. This allows for centralized control and a more harmonious look. Customization: tailor your tech choices to your lifestyle. For example, if you’re a wine enthusiast, invest in a smart wine cellar that stores your collection at the ideal temperature and showcases it beautifully. Incorporating High-Tech Features Into Your Home Now that you’re prepared, here are practical steps to incorporate high-tech features into your home: Smart Home Automation: invest in a smart home hub or control system that connects and manages all your smart devices. This central hub allows for seamless automation, scheduling, and remote control. Smart Lighting: upgrade to smart lighting systems like Philips Hue or LIFX. These systems offer various lighting options, from ambient to task lighting, which can be controlled by your smartphone or voice commands. Thermostats: consider a smart thermostat like the Nest or Ecobee, which learns your preferences and adjusts the temperature accordingly. This not only adds convenience but also saves energy. Home Security: install a comprehensive security system with smart cameras, motion detectors, and remote access. Brands like Ring, Arlo, and Nest offer reliable options. Entertainment: elevate your entertainment experience with a high-quality 4K OLED TV, a surround sound system, and streaming devices like Apple TV or Roku. Conceal wires and opt for wall mounts that blend seamlessly with your decor. Whole-Home Audio: set up a multi-room audio system that allows you to enjoy music throughout your home. Choose speakers that match your interior design, and use wireless technologies for a clutter-free look. Home Theater: if you have the space, create a dedicated home theater room with a large projection screen, comfortable seating, and acoustic treatments for a cinematic experience. Kitchen Innovations: invest in smart kitchen appliances, such as refrigerators with touch screens, ovens with Wi-Fi connectivity, and coffee makers that can be programmed remotely. Bathroom Luxuries: to create a spa-like experience in your bathroom, consider heated floors, smart mirrors, and voice-activated faucets. Outdoor Oasis: extend your tech upgrades to your outdoor space with smart irrigation systems, outdoor speakers, and app-controlled pool and spa features. Embrace the Future of Living The world of high-tech home innovations is at your fingertips. By understanding its power, marrying it with thoughtful interior design, and taking practical steps to incorporate these features, you can transform your living space into a luxurious, efficient, and technologically advanced sanctuary.  Embrace the future of living, and let your home reflect your style and sophistication with every high-tech touch.

Elevate Your Shower Experience: The Future of Home Bathrooms

Our homes are becoming smarter and more luxurious than ever. Upgrading your bathroom with cutting-edge shower technology can be a game-changer in terms of comfort, convenience, and style.  Before we dive into the details, let’s understand what shower technology encompasses and why it matters. First off, it allows you to customize your shower experience. Everything can be tailored to your preferences, from water temperature and pressure to water flow patterns and lighting. Many advanced shower systems are designed to conserve water while maintaining a luxurious experience. This not only reduces your environmental footprint but also lowers utility bills. Features like digital thermostatic control ensure your water temperature remains constant, eliminating the shock of sudden hot or cold water. And some shower technology offers therapeutic benefits, such as hydrotherapy jets and steam showers, promoting relaxation and improved health. With voice-activated shower controls, you can adjust settings, play music, and even receive weather updates without lifting a finger. And many of them can be visually stunning, adding a touch of luxury and modernity to your bathroom. To do that, ensure the design of your shower technology complements your bathroom’s overall aesthetic. Modern and minimalist fixtures suit a contemporary bathroom, while traditional or ornate styles are more appropriate for a classic design. Consider incorporating smart lighting in or around your shower area. Programmable LED lighting can create different moods, from invigorating to calming, and can be tailored to your preferences. How to Get Started With Shower Technology To get started with technology in your shower, first choose tiles and surfaces that are visually appealing, durable, and low-maintenance. Consider materials like porcelain, glass, or stone that can withstand a bathroom’s moisture and humidity. Coordinate with other bathroom fixtures, such as faucets, sinks, and cabinetry hardware, for a cohesive look. As you plan the technology’s appearance, think about how you can conceal wiring and control panels within the walls or cabinetry for a clean, clutter-free look. This will ensure that the technology is seamlessly integrated into the design. If you opt for a custom shower enclosure, work with an interior designer to create a design that enhances the overall bathroom aesthetic while accommodating the technology. Working With a Pro to Implement Your Vision To get started, research the various shower technology options available. Look for features that align with your preferences and lifestyle. Determine your budget for upgrading your shower. Remember to account for the cost of the technology and any necessary bathroom renovations. Then, select the shower technology that suits your needs.  Options range from digital thermostatic controls and rain showerheads to steam generators and body spray systems. If you’re a fan of smart home technology, explore options that offer voice control compatibility with systems like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. Consult with a professional bathroom designer or contractor experienced in integrating shower technology. They can help you make informed choices and execute the installation flawlessly. Work with your designer to plan the layout of your new shower. Consider factors like the placement of fixtures, controls, and any additional features you desire. Understand the maintenance requirements of your shower technology and follow a regular upkeep schedule to keep it functioning optimally. Creating a Luxurious Bathroom Experience  Embracing shower technology is not just about convenience—it’s about creating a luxurious and personalized bathroom experience. By understanding the power of shower technology, harmonizing it with your interior design, and taking practical steps to incorporate it, you can transform your daily shower routine into a spa-like indulgence.  Embrace the future of bathroom design, and let your shower be a testament to your commitment to modern living and luxurious comfort. 

Spa-like bathroom

Transforming Bathrooms: Trends and Insights from Spectrum Design Group

In the realm of home renovations, bathrooms often take center stage. They are spaces of relaxation, rejuvenation, and practicality, all rolled into one. As the years pass by, homeowners are increasingly recognizing the potential for elevating their bathroom experiences. From expanding space to integrating premium features, the trends are evolving, and so are the expectations. At Spectrum Design Group, we’re at the forefront of this transformative journey, helping homeowners turn their bathroom visions into reality. Through our experiences, we’ve gained valuable insights into the shifting landscape of bathroom renovations. Here’s a glimpse into some of the questions we frequently encounter, along with our responses and the underlying trends driving them: Expanding Bathroom Space It’s fascinating to note that one in every five homeowners chooses to increase the size of their primary bathroom during renovations. We often field questions about the extent of our projects’ expansion and from where the additional square footage is sourced. While most of our projects achieve the desired function and space through redesign, some require additional square footage. In such cases, we typically borrow space from adjacent closets or even convert small adjacent bedrooms into luxurious primary baths. Shower Space: The Focal Point Showers have emerged as the focal point of modern bathroom renovations. Three in every five remodeling homeowners are opting to increase the size of their showers, with a significant portion expanding them by 50% or more. Here at SDG, we observe a similar trend, with clients prioritizing spacious showers over traditional tubs. Our typical shower sizes now surpass the original dimensions by over 50%, catering to the desire for luxurious shower experiences. Premium Features: The Ultimate Indulgence When it comes to shower upgrades, homeowners more often than not incorporate premium features to enhance their bathing rituals. The demand for luxury knows no bounds. Our designers curate shower experiences tailored to our clients’ preferences, often integrating premium features such as rainfall showerheads, dual showers, hand showers, thermostatic mixers, along with lighting and audio systems. While body sprayers are less commonly requested, other premium amenities add an unparalleled touch of luxury to the bathing space. Choosing the right showerhead is crucial in creating a personalized and luxurious shower experience. It’s important to understand the importance of quality construction in plumbing fixtures. All-brass construction stands out for its durability, anti-rust properties, and corrosion resistance, making it the superior choice. Waterworks showerheads not only offer a beautiful hand-crafted aesthetic and top-notch construction but also provide a soothing, spa-like experience with their soft laminar flow. European-style showerheads, while offering less pressure than what most Americans are accustomed to, bring a luxurious experience that also aids in water conservation. Evolving Budget Scopes As the demand for luxurious bathroom experiences grows, so does the median spend on primary bathroom remodels. National trends indicate a significant jump in median spending, with major renovations witnessing a particularly notable increase. Our project budget scopes typically range from $50,000 to $150,000, reflecting the premium nature of our services. Luxury items such as bidet toilets, heated floors, premium fixtures, custom casework, and porcelain slabs contribute to the increase in budget, ensuring that every aspect of the renovation exudes opulence and sophistication. The Value of Professional Expertise In a world where DIY projects abound, it’s heartening to see that the majority of homeowners still recognize the value of professional expertise in bathroom renovations. Our designers field inquiries from clients seeking a turnkey solution, from design conception to project execution. While some may express eagerness to be part of the process, they understand the importance of leaving the labor to the professionals. Our clients cite reasons such as superior results, cost-effectiveness, and peace of mind as compelling factors for choosing professional services over DIY endeavors. In conclusion, the landscape of bathroom renovations is evolving, driven by a desire for luxury, functionality, and superior craftsmanship. SDG offers innovative solutions that elevate the bathroom experience to new heights. Whether it’s expanding space, integrating premium features, or curating bespoke designs, we’re here to transform your bathroom dreams into a stunning reality. Get in touch with us today, and let’s embark on a journey to redefine your bathroom space.

Interior Design

A Homeowner’s Guide to Navigating Interior Design Costs

Last week, Jeff Kaper walked you through deciding if an interior design project is the right thing to do. Will it return the investment when you sell the house? Is it the right time? Do you want to take it on right now? Embarking on an interior design project is exciting! Who doesn’t want to transform their living space into a haven of style and comfort? However, as Jeff pointed out, it’s essential to understand interior design costs clearly before you begin.  What to Think About Before You Hire a Designer Before diving into interior design costs, it’s crucial to know your goals, what budget you have to work with, and to do your due diligence. Too often, we get one referral from a friend and hire them without doing any due diligence. That should be on your list simply because your style may not match theirs, no matter how much your friends raved about them.  Start by clarifying your design goals and objectives. What do you want to achieve with your interior design project? Define your style preferences, functional needs, and any design elements you wish to incorporate. Save photos to a Pinterest board or on a bulletin board at home. This will help your designer understand what you are naturally attracted to so they can design with you in mind. Next, establish a budget. Determine how much you have to invest in the project and how you will pay for it. From there, it’s time to do your due diligence. Create a short list of designers and research their portfolio, reviews, and qualifications to ensure they align with your vision and budget expectations. Call their former clients and ask what they liked—and didn’t like—about working with them.  Then, interview each of them and clearly communicate your goals, budget, and design priorities.  How to Budget Your Interior Design Project  Now that you’ve considered your project’s objectives and set a realistic budget, let’s delve into how to budget effectively for your interior design project. First, prioritize your needs. Identify what you want and how long you expect it to take. For instance, are you redesigning your entire home or just one room? If so, will you do one room at a time and spread the project out over several months, or will you attempt to do it all simultaneously? These expectations are important for your designer to know and to help you prioritize and budget.  Next, factor in the cost of materials, including furniture, fixtures, textiles, flooring, and decorative elements. Consider labor and installation costs, especially if your project involves significant renovations or custom-built elements. And include interior design fees, including a flat fee, hourly rate, or a percentage of the total project cost. Ensure you understand these fees and budget for them accordingly. Then, set aside a contingency fund for unexpected expenses during the project. A common rule of thumb is to allocate 10-20% of your budget for contingencies. Hidden Costs to Expect As with anything house-related, these projects often bring unforeseen expenses. Here are some hidden costs to be aware of: If you do renovations as part of your project, they may reveal structural problems that must be addressed before proceeding with the design. These repairs can add unexpected costs to your project. Changes or modifications to the original design plan can lead to additional expenses, often requiring materials, labor, or timeline adjustments. Delays in material deliveries, labor availability, or unforeseen issues can extend your project’s timeline, potentially increasing temporary living arrangements or storage costs. Depending on the scope of your project, you may need permits or have to comply with building regulations. Permit fees and compliance costs can add to your budget. Shipping and handling fees can quickly increase if you order furniture or decor items from different locations. Be sure to include these costs in your budget. You may incorporate additional design services, such as custom-made furniture or specialty finishes, which can also increase your project costs. How Long to Expect the Project to Last Understanding the timeline of your interior design project is essential for planning and managing your expectations.  The initial planning phase, including goal setting, research, and designer selection, can take several weeks to a few months, depending on the complexity of your project—and how much time you’re willing to commit. Once the design process begins, it typically takes two to four months to finalize design concepts, select materials, and create detailed plans. Then, implementation, which includes ordering materials, coordinating tradespeople, and overseeing construction or installation, can take three to six months or longer, depending on the project’s scope. The final phase involves adding finishing touches, styling, and ensuring all design elements are in place. This phase typically takes a few weeks to a month. An interior design project can take anywhere from six months to more than a year, depending on its complexity and any unforeseen delays. Interior Design Done Well Interior design is a rewarding journey that can breathe new life into your home. You can confidently navigate your project’s financial aspects by carefully considering your design goals, setting a realistic budget, and accounting for potential hidden costs.  A well-executed interior design project enhances the aesthetics of your home, improves its functionality, and excites you to host friends and family for a dinner party, a game night, or the holidays.

A Guide to Shopping for Art for Your Home

A Guide to Shopping for Art for Your Home

The art that adorns your walls can transform your living space, infuse it with personality, and tell a story unique to you. But shopping for art can be overwhelming. Where do you start? How do you choose? Will it work in your home? Dawn Bane, our designer and color strategist, has some options for you. Shopping for Art: Where to Hunt   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Spectrum Design Group (@spectrumdesigngroup) Minted: Personalized Art at Your Fingertips The most common place to shop for art is at Minted, a great online company where you can look up different artists and buy prints. They are a treasure trove for art enthusiasts seeking creativity, customization, and convenience.  Here’s what makes Minted a standout choice: Diverse Artist Selection: Minted boasts a diverse community of independent artists with unique styles and perspectives. Whether you prefer modern abstracts, botanical prints, or vibrant landscapes, you’ll find something that resonates with you.  Customization Options: One of Minted’s standout features is the ability to personalize your art. You can select the frame, color, and size and choose between a traditional print and a canvas-wrapped piece. This level of customization ensures that your art perfectly complements your home’s decor. Quality Assurance: Minted takes pride in the quality of its art prints. Expect high-resolution, museum-quality prints that do justice to the artist’s original work. Local Galleries: Discovering Authenticity and History Local galleries are a great option, especially if our client wants an original piece, something a little older, or something more vintage. The offer a unique and authentic art shopping experience.y Here’s why they are worth exploring: Originality: Local galleries are an excellent source for original pieces created by emerging and established artists. Owning an original artwork supports local talent and adds a distinctive touch to your collection. Personal Connection: Visiting a local gallery lets you connect with artists and gallery owners. You can learn about the inspiration behind the artworks, gain insights into their creative processes, and even commission custom pieces. Vintage Finds: If you appreciate vintage or antique art, local galleries often feature curated selections that cater to collectors and connoisseurs. Etsy: A Hub of Artistic Talent  If you’re looking for photography, Etsy is a great solution because it has talented people. Etsy, known for its artisanal and handmade goods, is a hidden gem when shopping for art.  Here’s why Etsy deserves a place on your art hunt list: Artistic Diversity: Etsy is home to a vast community of talented artists, photographers, and printmakers. You’ll find various styles and mediums, from abstract paintings to intricate photography. Unique Offerings: Many Etsy sellers offer unique and unique pieces you won’t find elsewhere. It’s the perfect platform for those looking to make a statement with their art. Personal Interaction: Etsy allows direct communication with artists and shop owners, providing a chance to discuss customizations, request additional information, or inquire about the availability of original works. Budget-Friendly Options: Etsy offers a range of price points, making it accessible for art enthusiasts with varying budgets. You can also purchase digital downloads and print the art locally to save on shipping costs. Shopping for Art Shopping for art is an art in itself, and the journey to finding the perfect pieces can be just as enriching as the art itself. Whether you’re drawn to the customization options at Minted, the authenticity of local galleries, or the diverse talents on Etsy, there’s a world of artistic discovery waiting for you. Ultimately, your chosen art should resonate with your soul, complement your living space, and evoke emotions that enhance your daily life. The next time you shop for art, consider these three common options and don’t be afraid to explore beyond the mainstream. After all, the art you choose reflects your unique style and personality, and there’s no better way to make your space your own. Happy art shopping!

Allan and Kathy Dream Kitchen

Transforming Our Dream Kitchen Into Reality

A dream kitchen isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about creating a space where functionality meets style, and memories are made around the table. Turning their vision of the perfect kitchen into reality seemed overwhelming for Allan and Kathy until they discovered Spectrum Design Group.  With our expertise and personalized approach, we helped Allan and Kathy navigate the complexities of kitchen remodeling, ultimately creating a space that exceeded their expectations. Understanding the Vision Every successful kitchen renovation begins with understanding the homeowner’s vision. Allan and Kathy had a clear idea of what they wanted: a modern, functional kitchen that also served as the heart of their home. They envisioned a space where they could entertain guests, prepare meals together, and create lasting memories with family and friends. Collaborative Design Process One key element of our approach is the collaborative design process. We believe in involving the clients every step of the way, ensuring that their needs and preferences are fully incorporated into the design. Allan and Kathy were actively involved in brainstorming sessions, design consultations, and material selections, allowing them to personalize every aspect of their kitchen. Allan says, “From the initial consultation to the final reveal, they ensured our voices were heard. They listened to our ideas, offered valuable insights, and worked tirelessly to bring our vision to life.” Crafting the Perfect Layout A well-thought-out layout is essential for any kitchen renovation project. We analyzed the existing space and proposed a layout that optimized functionality and flow. By reconfiguring the kitchen’s footprint, we maximized storage space, improved traffic flow, and created designated cooking, dining, and socializing areas. Kathy recalls, “The team had a keen eye for detail. They meticulously planned every aspect of the layout, ensuring no wasted space. The end result was a kitchen that not only looked beautiful but also functioned seamlessly.” Incorporating Innovative Features Modern kitchens are equipped with innovative features that enhance convenience and efficiency. We introduced Allan and Kathy to cutting-edge appliances, fixtures, and technologies to elevate their kitchen experience. From smart appliances and touchless faucets to custom cabinetry and state-of-the-art lighting, every element was carefully selected to align with the couple’s lifestyle and preferences. Allan expresses his appreciation, “We were amazed by the innovative features recommended. They introduced us to technologies we never knew existed, and now we can’t imagine life without them. Our kitchen truly feels like something out of a dream.” Bringing the Design to Life Once the design was finalized, we wasted no time bringing Allan and Kathy’s dream kitchen to life. Our skilled craftsmen and contractors worked diligently to execute the plan with precision and attention to detail. From demolition and construction to installation and finishing touches, every aspect of the project was carried out with the utmost care and professionalism. Kathy reflects on the process, saying, “Watching our dream kitchen come to life was an incredible experience. They handled every aspect of the renovation with expertise and professionalism. They informed us every step of the way and ensured that the project stayed on schedule and within budget.” The Final Reveal The culmination of months of planning and hard work came with the final reveal of Allan and Kathy’s dream kitchen. They were overwhelmed with emotion as they stepped into the beautifully renovated space. The kitchen exceeded their expectations in every way, perfectly blending style, functionality, and comfort. Allan and Kathy couldn’t be happier with the result. “Our new kitchen is more than we ever imagined,” says Allan. “It’s not just a place to cook; we gather with loved ones, share meals, and create cherished memories. We have a kitchen that truly reflects who we are and how we live.” From Dream Kitchen Into Reality  The journey from envisioning a dream kitchen to seeing it come to life can be exciting and daunting. However, with the right team by your side, it becomes a rewarding experience filled with creativity, collaboration, and, ultimately, realizing your vision.  For Allan and Kathy, we turned their dream kitchen into a reality, proving that anything is possible with expertise, passion, and dedication. Work With Us Would you like to discuss your dream kitchen with Spectrum Design Group? Let’s go!

Modern Rustic Kitchen - Panel-Ready Appliances

Revolutionize Your Home with Smart Appliances

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, smart appliances have emerged as a game-changer in the world of home improvement. Anyone else who grew up watching The Jetsons thinking “FINALLY?! Now for the flying cars.” Integrating smart appliances into your home offers not only increased convenience and efficiency but also a chance to showcase your commitment to modern living.  Let’s explore their fascinating world. Unleashing the Power of Smart Appliances Before we dive into the aesthetics and integration of smart appliances, it’s essential to understand their potential and how they can enhance your daily life. Smart appliances are designed to simplify your life. They offer remote control, automation, and real-time monitoring through your smartphone or voice commands. Imagine preheating your oven on your way home or checking your fridge’s contents from the grocery store. These are very real opportunities.  Not only are they convenient, but many smart appliances are equipped with advanced sensors and algorithms to optimize energy consumption. You can expect lower utility bills and a reduced carbon footprint, along with features that enhance performance. Think of dishwashers with advanced cleaning cycles or washing machines with sensors that adjust water levels based on load size. Integration is the key to unleashing their power. Many smart appliances can communicate with each other and other devices in your home, creating a seamless ecosystem. For instance, your smart refrigerator can notify your smart oven to start preheating when it senses you’re preparing a meal. It may seem a little like the robot overlords control your life, but with automatic shutoff and malfunction alerts, it provides peace of mind.  Integrating Smart Appliances Aesthetically Now that we understand the benefits, let’s explore how to integrate smart appliances without giving up your aesthetics. When selecting them, prioritize a consistent finish. Stainless steel, matte black, or custom panel-ready options can blend seamlessly with your kitchen’s design. If you prefer a minimalist look, opt for sleek, handleless designs. Many smart appliances now offer touch or app controls, eliminating the need for visible knobs or handles. And you have panel-ready options, too. They allow you to match with your cabinetry, creating a cohesive look. When not in use, they virtually disappear into your kitchen’s design.  For high-tech appliances that you’d like to keep out of sight, consider integrated or hidden storage solutions. Appliance garages or concealed cabinets can provide a clutter-free look. Or, if your design leans toward open shelving, showcase your smart appliances as stylish additions to your kitchen’s decor. Coordinate the color of your smart appliances with your kitchen’s color palette. For example, a sleek white refrigerator can complement a bright, modern kitchen. You can also experiment with textures like brushed metal or glass fronts for your appliances to add depth and visual interest to your kitchen. Some smart appliances, like ovens, offer customizable lighting effects that can add a touch of elegance to your kitchen. Choose colors that match your overall design scheme. Incorporating Smart Appliances Into Your Home Here are practical steps to incorporate smart appliances into your home: Start by identifying which areas of your home could benefit from smart appliances. Common choices include the kitchen, laundry room, and smart thermostats for heating and cooling control. Next, determine your budget. Once you’ve crafted a plan, explore reputable brands known for their smart appliances, such as Samsung, LG, Bosch, and GE. Research features that align with your preferences and lifestyle. Work with a professional designer or smart home specialist to plan the integration of your smart appliances. Consider the placement of outlets, wiring, and control hubs. For the kitchen, focus on appliances like smart refrigerators, ovens, cooktops, and dishwashers. These can revolutionize your culinary experience. Smart washers and dryers can simplify laundry day. They offer features like remote start, notifications when cycles are complete, and energy-saving modes. A smart thermostat can help you regulate your home’s temperature efficiently. Some models even adapt to your preferences and the weather forecast. Consider smart lighting solutions to enhance your home’s ambiance and energy efficiency. Dimmable LED bulbs and smart switches can be controlled remotely. Don’t forget smart security devices like doorbell cameras, smart locks, and alarm systems. These enhance both safety and convenience. Customize your smart home to your lifestyle.  Let Your Home Shine Integrating smart appliances into your living space is not just about convenience—it’s about enhancing your lifestyle and showcasing your commitment to modern living.  By understanding the power of these appliances, harmonizing them with your interior design, and taking practical steps to incorporate them, you can revolutionize your home into a space that reflects your sophistication, style, and forward-thinking approach to the future of living.  Embrace the possibilities, and let your home shine with the brilliance of smart technology. George, Jane, Judy, and Elroy would feel right at home.

On the Tenth Day of Christmas: Ten Books to Read

On the Tenth Day of Christmas: Ten Books to Read

Holy Cow! It’s December 14th. How is Christmas only 11 days away?! If you’re still struggling with your shopping list, be sure to check out our 8th and 9th days for some unique gift suggestions that you won’t find on most gift list roundups. If you’d like to start the tradition known as Jólabókaflód as Dawn suggested on day Two, I have 10 book suggestions for you today. So, let’s get to it! On the tenth day of Christmas, we give you 10 Books to Read, Nine “Smart” Home Technology Options, Eight Pieces in Which to Invest, Seven Interior Design Blogs to Read, Six Festive Cocktails, Five Holiday Wishes, Four Tips for a Successful Renovation, Three Blogs Not to Miss, Two New Traditions, and One Room to Refresh. 12 Book Challenge Last December, I decided to join the 12 Books by 12 Friends Challenge. It was a challenge going around on Facebook and the idea was to gather twelve book recommendations and commit to reading those books throughout 2023. The challenge encouraged participants to not only read more in 2023, but also to branch out into genres they may not typically choose. While the challenge was to read 12 books, I had so many recommendations that I couldn’t pick just 12. I ended up with 24. Now, I’m certain many of you are like some of my friends and read at least 24 books a year, but, much to the chagrin of my English-lit teaching mother, I typically max out at six books during a good year, so 24 was a stretch. However, I do read at least two books with my youngest per day, and my oldest and I have read everything from the Harry Potter series to To Kill a Mockingbird to a series set during WWII. We’re currently trying to work our way through Lord of the Rings. Help! The odds of finishing that series are not good. I feel like we’ve been reading the second book for 10 years and we’re not even halfway through. (My son turns 12 tomorrow.) So, I read much more than I count. I need to keep that in mind. It’s probably safe to say some of you read more than you give yourself credit for as well. The List – 24 Books Even with 24 books selected for the year, I added to the list! The original list consisted of: Finished: Fifty Words for Rain The Kitchen House The Maid The Family Game (Audiobook) Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life The Rose Code Some Danger Involved: Barker & Llewelyn Series, Book 1 The Lost Apothecary Started: The Golden Couple (Audiobook) A Gentleman in Moscow Quiet Good Boundaries and Goodbyes Still on the List: Honor The People We Keep The Great Alone Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World A Court of Thorns and Roses The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell True Biz One Two Three Mad Honey A Walk in the Woods Code Name Helene Mexican Gothic Not on the List, but Finished: Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing Anna Karenina (Audiobook) To Kingdom Come: Barker & Llewelyn Series, Book 2 The Limehouse Text: Barker & Llewelyn Series, Book 3 I won’t meet my goal of 24 by year’s end, but I have read, or listened to, more than 12. (Oh, and do you know how long Anna Karenina is? 35 hours and 35 minutes!!!) 10 Book Suggestions Enough of the background that led to this point. On this tenth day of Christmas, I give you the 10 books I suggest adding to your to-read list (some come with a stronger recommendation than others!): The Rose Code WWII historical fiction is my genre of choice. The Nightingale has been my favorite book since I read it while on bedrest in 2015. So, it’s no wonder The Rose Code by Kate Quinn was the second book I read this year and my favorite. Reading it felt like watching a movie and I loved that the characters were based on real people, Bletchley Park was an actual place, and much of the details described how the brilliant minds brought to work at BP helped Britain and their Allies eventually win the war. I couldn’t put this one down. Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing by Matthew Perry has stuck with me more than anything else I read this year. I read it in the Spring. It was heartbreaking and I found myself wanting to find him and give him a big hug. I also had a feeling he would pass by year’s end. I don’t follow celebrities and the only celebrity death that had ever touched me was Robin Williams. Until now. Maybe it’s my age and how Friends was such a big part of our culture, but it’s truly felt like we lost a friend. Some Danger Involved Next on the list is Some Danger Involved: Barker & Llewelyn Series, Book 1 by Will Thomas. This was my mom’s recommendation. It’s set in London in the 1800s and delves into the vigilante detective work of a private enquiry agent and his assistant. A book with witty characters holds my attention and the period detail of Victorian London paints vivid scenes. Some twists and turns kept the book moving and interesting. After I finished it, I read the next two in the series. To Kingdom Come and The Limehouse Text Barker & Llewelyn Series Books 2 and 3 – I love the characters and the plot twists. I’m officially hooked on this series. There are at least 14, I think. I plan to make my way through them all. The Maid The main character in The Maid by Nita Prose is an endearing twenty-five-year-old named Molly who has Aspergers Syndrome. She’s an intriguing protagonist in an atypical whodunit. My mama bear instincts kicked in wanting to help and protect her. Her grandmother, who had raised her and helped interpret the world around

On the Third Day of Christmas: Three Not to Miss

On the Third Day of Christmas: Three Blogs Not to Miss

On the third day of Christmas, we give you: Three Blogs Not to Miss, Two New Traditions, and One Room to Refresh. 2023 has been a year of change behind the scenes in SDG’s online world. First Google changed their Analytics to revamp how website traffic is measured then we decided to upgrade our website hosting which did not go smoothly. We’re still dealing with some site hiccups, but the lessons learned have been maddening invaluable. With all the changes happening, you may have overlooked some blog posts, so on this Third Day of Christmas, we give you three blog posts not to miss. How to Know if Hiring an Interior Design Firm is Right for You Before we dove into whether you should hire an interior designer, we talked about the differences between an interior designer and an interior decorator as they are not the same. Once we understood the differences, we discussed the benefits of hiring an interior design firm, what you should look for in an interior designer, how to choose an interior design firm, why it might not be a good decision to hire an interior designer, and finally why working with an interior design firm may be a great choice for you. If you decide you do want to work with an interior design firm, Jeff has three questions you’ll want to ask your shortlisted interior design firms. Three Questions to Ask When Choosing Kitchen Countertops Choosing the right countertop for your kitchen remodel is an important decision. It’s likely to be one of the most used surfaces in your home and it’s a key element used to tie the entire space together. To make the decision a little less daunting, we dove deep into the three questions you must ask when choosing your kitchen countertops: How much time do you want to spend maintaining your tops, what option aligns with your aesthetic, and which material fits your budget? There are a ton of material options out there and this post broke them all down. Keep this one in your back pocket for when it comes time for you to remodel your kitchen. The Ins and Outs of Modern Wallpaper Wallpaper. Some people love it. Some people hate it. And some people want to love it, but are afraid to because of the wallpaper of the past. No matter in which group you see yourself, wallpaper is back in a big way. It’s like a shot of Botox for your home. In this post, we covered the benefits of wallpaper, whether it will go out of style, how much of a commitment it is, and where to begin. We’re doing a lot with wallpaper right now. Some are subtle and others are bright and bold. Stay tuned to see some really great projects we’ve recently completed. More to Come We have eight more days of Christmas posts to round out the 2023 holiday season and we’re excited for what’s in store for 2024. Keep following along as Renee, Dawn, Cory, Francis, Jeff, and I have much more to share. What are some of your favorite SDG blog posts?  

Unique Cabinetry Colors: Plato Woodwork - Gray Mist Cabinetry

Embrace Unique Cabinetry Colors: Break Away from Boring White

When it comes to home decor and design, trends tend to ebb and flow. One trend that has been pervasive in recent years is the white kitchen. It’s everywhere, from home improvement shows to Pinterest boards and Instagram feeds. But what if we told you that it might be time to hop off the white kitchen train and embrace unique cabinetry colors? The Appeal of White Kitchens There’s no denying the timeless appeal of white kitchens. They exude a sense of cleanliness, brightness, and simplicity. White cabinetry can make a space appear larger and provide a versatile canvas for other elements of design. It’s no wonder that many homeowners have been drawn to this trend for years. An example of a project we’re working on (in the video below) is called Kestrel White. The client wanted a white kitchen. So what we did was choose a white that has a warmer hue behind it. It elevates the kitchen and helps it feel richer. Embracing Subtle Variation You’ll always see white cabinets at Big Box stores because it’s a very stock color. You want your kitchen to be unique and feel custom. So, while you might choose a white that has some cream or gray in it, it’s going to read white while completely changing the overall look. The cabinets in the featured image of this post are Gray Mist. There’s a depth to them that takes them from basic to rich and elegant. The Power of Choosing Unique Cabinetry Colors So, why should you consider breaking away from the traditional all-white kitchen? The answer lies in the power of unique cabinetry colors. Here are a few compelling reasons to embrace this shift: Personalization: Your home should be a reflection of your unique style and personality. Opting for a cabinetry color that resonates with you can add a personal touch to your kitchen. It allows you to infuse your space with character and individuality. Elevation of Design: Selecting a white with a hint of color can elevate the design of your kitchen. Whether it’s a creamy off-white or a soft gray undertone, these subtle variations add depth and warmth to your space. They create a kitchen that feels richer and more inviting. Customization: Big-box store cabinets often come in standard white shades, making them feel generic. Choosing a unique cabinetry color enables you to create a kitchen that stands out. It becomes a space that feels custom-made and tailored to your taste. Complementary Color Schemes: Your choice of cabinetry color can dramatically affect the overall look and feel of your kitchen. It sets the tone for the entire space. By selecting a color that complements your walls, countertops, and other design elements, you can achieve a cohesive and harmonious aesthetic. Longevity: Trends come and go, but classic colors endure. While white kitchens have been trendy, they may not stay that way forever. Opting for a unique cabinetry color that resonates with you ensures your kitchen remains timeless and doesn’t require frequent updates to keep up with shifting trends. Embracing Unique Cabinetry Colors While white kitchens have undeniably been popular for a long time, it might be time to consider a different approach. Embracing unique cabinetry colors allows you to personalize your kitchen, elevate its design, and create a custom space that stands out. It’s an opportunity to infuse your personality into your home and ensure your kitchen remains timeless for years to come. If you’ve been on the fence about breaking away from the white kitchen trend, take the plunge and explore cabinetry colors that resonate with you. Your kitchen should be a space you love, and a unique cabinetry color can make all the difference in achieving that goal.

Reimagined 1920s Kitchen

Choosing the Kitchen Sink – Maybe not Exciting, but Important

Beginning any remodeling project is an exciting endeavor that’s usually months, if not years, in the making. It’s a time when your Pinterest board, Instagram saves, and magazine clippings all come together. While functionality choices may not be as exciting as the aesthetic selections, some would argue they’re more important. Selecting a kitchen sink may not be at the top of your fun list, but like choosing the material for your kitchen countertops, there are several differences to consider that can affect your sink’s functionality, style, and maintenance which will impact how you work in your kitchen. So Many Material Options Kitchen sinks are available in various materials, each with its advantages and drawbacks: Stainless Steel – Durable and easy to clean Porcelain/Enamel – Traditional and attractive, but can chip or stain Composite Granite – Resistant to scratches and heat Cast Iron – Very durable, but heavy When selecting your sink material, consider your lifestyle and the level of maintenance you are willing to undertake. Certain materials require more care and cleaning to maintain their appearance. For instance, if you love to paint, a porcelain or enamel sink may not be your best option for a brush-cleaning station. Don’t Forget to Measure When planning for a new sink, you also need to consider the size of your kitchen and the available space for the sink. The sink’s dimensions should match your needs for food preparation, dishwashing, and overall functionality. You can choose from single-bowl sinks (one large basin), double-bowl sinks (two equal or different-sized basins), or even triple-bowl sinks (three basins). Some of our favorite sinks are The Galley sinks. They come in multiple sizes, configurations, and with a ton of optional accessories like cutting boards, serving boards, wash caddies, utensil caddies, drying racks, and more. Mounting Options A major characteristic to not overlook is how your sink must be mounted as there are multiple options. The most common choices are drop-in or self-rimming, under-mount, and farmhouse/apron front. Drop-in sinks are inserted into a hole cut into the countertop, with the rim resting on top; under-mount sinks are installed beneath the countertop for a seamless look; and farmhouse sinks have a large, exposed front panel that extends beyond the countertop. The style and architecture of your home should help guide you in determining which mounting option is most appropriate. Is it a Back-Breaker? Along with the mounting option, don’t forget to consider the bowl depth of the sink. The depth of the sink bowl affects its functionality as deeper bowls can accommodate larger items and provide more space for soaking or washing. However, they may also require bending over more when using the sink. Consider your preferences and needs for daily use. Appropriate Design The one factor that could probably go unsaid, but won’t, is the style and design you want for your kitchen sink. The sink should complement the overall style of your kitchen (and home). Think about elements such as the shape of the sink (square, round, rectangular, etc.), the style of the faucet holes (the type of faucet you want comes into play here which we’ll get to in a moment), and any additional accessories you’d like. Faucets Aren’t One Size Fits All Sometimes homeowners don’t think about faucet compatibility. It’s a detail that’s easily overlooked when you’re caught up in the excitement of the aesthetics. You want to ensure that the sink you choose is compatible with the type of faucet you prefer. Some sinks have pre-drilled holes for specific faucet configurations, while others allow for customization. You’ll need to determine not only the number of holes needed for the faucet but also possible holes for a soap dispenser, spray nozzle, and maybe even a garbage disposal button. However, nowadays, most homeowners opt for the spray nozzle to be incorporated into the faucet eliminating the need for at least one extra hole. What About the Budget? Finally, consider your budget. The price of kitchen sinks can vary significantly based on the available characteristics and accessories. As with most material selections, determine your budget range then find a sink that meets your requirements without exceeding your financial limits. Sometimes you may have to compromise, but thankfully there are a plethora of sinks available for every style, in every budget, and in most materials.

1920s Kitchen Renovation

A 1920s Kitchen Renovation: Where Functionality Meets Social Space

The heart of any home is undoubtedly the kitchen. It’s where culinary creations come to life, where families gather, and where memories are made. We are about to take you on a journey through a 1920s kitchen renovation that evolved from a cramped, isolated space into a functional, social hub that seamlessly integrates with the rest of the house. Join us as we explore this new kitchen with homeowners, Jordan Samet and Meredith Blankinship, who turned their kitchen dreams into reality. From Isolation to Integration  The transformation began with a clear vision: To create a kitchen that was not only functional but also sociable. The original kitchen was two separate rooms with limited natural light, where only one person could comfortably work at a time. Jordan and Meredith, passionate about cooking and hosting, envisioned a space that would bring people together while accommodating their culinary adventures. Within the first few weeks of their 1920s kitchen renovation being finished, the kitchen provided just the space they had envisioned for themselves and their friends. “We just hang out while we cook dinner. Before, we had very little counter space, and we really wanted something in the center that made it a more social space, while also being functional for the kitchen,” says Samet. Embracing Functional Design “And for us, we’re people who love being in the kitchen and who love having people over in the kitchen. And we do really love cooking, and we really love food. There’s so much more space. It’s super functional,” Blankinship says. The new kitchen design prioritized functionality. The addition of ample counter space and a central island transformed the kitchen into a workspace that could accommodate multiple cooks and guests. This functional design not only eased meal preparation but also enhanced the social aspect of the space. Honoring the Home’s Character Samet continued, “We were really interested and wanted to have the kitchen reflect the time period that the home was built in. We bought the house because it’s, you know, this kind of old house with a lot of character.” One of the unique challenges in this 1920s kitchen renovation was to maintain the character of the home, which both Jordan and Meredith cherished. They were committed to preserving the authenticity of the house by ensuring that the kitchen design aligned with its original time period. This commitment to authenticity guided the renovation process. Partnering with Experts “Knowing that we needed folks who had a really deep well of knowledge to kind of draw on in terms of what would be period-appropriate and what would make it look like it had always been here,” says Blankinship. The couple recognized the need for expertise to achieve their vision. They sought the guidance of experienced professionals who could provide valuable insights into period-appropriate design elements. This collaboration ensured that the kitchen seamlessly blended with the rest of the house as if it had always been there. The Art of Rendering “Cory helped us with picking out materials, appliances, and color schemes,” says Samet. “Once we saw the rendering, it was incredible and it really holds true to that time period, the color, the cabinetry, and the lighting particularly. We love the lighting.” The use of digital rendering played a pivotal role in visualizing the final design of their 1920s kitchen renovation. It allowed the couple to see the space’s transformation before it became a reality. The rendering captured every detail, from color schemes to cabinetry and lighting choices, ensuring that the design aligned with their vision and the home’s character. An Incredible Experience The renovation journey was marked by collaboration, attention to detail, and the pursuit of excellence. Jordan and Meredith’s dedication to creating a space that not only met their functional needs but also retained the charm of their home resulted in an incredible experience. Every decision, from materials to layout, was meticulously considered to ensure a harmonious outcome. “We wouldn’t have really known what exactly to think about in the details and just how functional and useful everything is,” says Samet. “It’s just been an incredible experience.” A 1920s Kitchen Renovation Success Story Jordan and Meredith’s satisfaction with their 1920s kitchen renovation is evident in their plans for future renovations. “There are other parts of our house that we’re thinking about renovating, and we definitely won’t do it with anyone else,” says Meredith. Their commitment to creating spaces that enhance their daily lives and bring their family and friends together speaks volumes about the success of their kitchen project. The journey from a cramped, isolated kitchen to a functional, sociable space is a testament to the power of vision, collaboration, trust, and a deep appreciation for a home’s character. This kitchen transformation serves as an inspiring example of how thoughtful design and a commitment to authenticity can create a space that not only meets functional needs but also enriches the lives of those who dwell within it. It’s clear that the heart of any home lies not only in its physical structure but also in the memories and connections created within it. And, in this case, the kitchen has truly become the heart of a happy home, where friends and family gather, meals are prepared with love, and cherished moments are shared. 

Essential Elements of a Modern Bathroom

In today’s modern bathrooms, we see spa-like spaces with lots of natural light and openness. Bulky storage is replaced with recessed shelving and cabinetry. Large format tile has replaced mosaics. Technology has also overtaken our bathrooms from exhaust fans with Alexa capabilities to ground effects around bathtubs to setting shower temperatures to precise degrees for the perfect shower experience at the touch of a button. Wallpaper is also back in a big way. Finally, universal design may be the common denominator among most of today’s modern bathrooms. Sunken garden tubs and Jacuzzis are being replaced with zero-entry showers with seating and free-standing bathtubs. If you were to take the time to Google “modern spa-like baths” or “essential elements of a modern bathroom” over 52 million results would pop up. Today, we’ve narrowed down the essential elements. You’re welcome! The bathrooms featured here, highlight many of the principles associated with today’s modern, spa-like baths and provide the restful sanctuary we crave. Streamlined Architecture In the first bathroom featured above, we opened the space and streamlined the architecture. We modernized it by making it less stoic while keeping the stained glass and fireplace per the homeowner’s request. It’s an example of a modern renovation that encompassed the homeowner’s non-negotiables. A zero-entry shower was designed with the latest Kohler digital controls. The floor tile flowed seamlessly into the shower and the drain was incorporated into the tile making it almost invisible. Floating vanities with custom metalwork opened the floor and the tilework gave the illusion of an even bigger space. Serene Sanctuary The vaulted ceilings in this master bath were used to enhance the vanity area. The wallpaper, soft materials, and natural light all worked together to offer a serene sanctuary for the homeowners. Large format tiles, recessed storage, and spa-like surroundings have become key elements in today’s modern bathrooms as is evident here. Attic to Master Retreat An attic in a classic bungalow was converted into a master retreat. A wet room was incorporated into the bathroom and the room is saturated in natural light. Custom cabinetry and recessed storage streamline the look and feel of the space. Essential Elements of a Modern Bathroom Clean lines, soothing colors, larger tiles, contemporary lighting, wet rooms, wallpaper, and technology are all elements you can pull into your updated bathroom. We need spaces in which we can rewind and rest and creating a spa-like bathroom is one area of the home that can check all the boxes.

How to Know if Hiring an Interior Design Firm is Right for You

If you’re reading this it likely means one of two things: You’re looking at areas in your home that you want to change and improve, or you really like us (Hi, Mom). Either way, keep reading, and hopefully, by the end, you have a clearer direction in which you want to go. Before we dive into whether or not you should hire an interior designer, let’s talk about the differences between an interior designer and an interior decorator. I wrote about this several months ago, but it’s certainly a topic worth chatting about again as the question continues to come up. What’s the Difference Between an Interior Decorator and an Interior Designer? While the terms “interior decorator” and “interior designer” are often used interchangeably, there are differences between the two. An interior decorator typically focuses on the aesthetics of a space. They work with clients to choose colors, fabrics, and furnishings that will create a certain look or atmosphere. They may also select accessories and artwork to enhance the overall design. Generally, they do not solve functionality issues by making structural changes. On the other hand, an interior designer not only focuses on the aesthetics of a space but also the functionality which might mean moving walls or plumbing, adding windows, and updating electrical, so working with someone who understands the ins and outs of those types of decisions is important. Interior designers work closely with clients to solve problems and improve functionality in a space that fulfills their clients’ needs and complements their lifestyles. While interior decorators and interior designers may have different areas of expertise, there is some overlap between the two professions. Many interior designers also offer interior decorating services, and some interior decorators may have a background in interior design. Ultimately, deciding with which one to work comes down to the scope of your project and your specific needs. Benefits of Hiring an Interior Design Firm If you determine an interior design is the best fit for your needs, but still are on the fence about hiring someone to guide you through your renovation, consider these benefits: Expertise: Interior design firms have the expertise and experience to create a cohesive design that reflects your personal style, while also considering the practical aspects of your space. Time and Convenience: Hiring an interior design firm can save you time and hassle, as they will handle all aspects of the project, from planning and design to specification and some, like us, will even manage the construction. Access to Resources: Interior design firms have access to a wide range of resources, such as materials, furnishings, and décor, that you might not have access to on your own. Plus, they have established relationships with trusted contractors. Budget Management: An interior design firm can help you manage your budget, by suggesting cost-effective options and ensuring that your project stays within your budget. They should also be upfront with you about what you can and cannot get for your budget. Increased Property Value: A well-designed space can increase the value of your home, making it a smart investment in the long run. Why Hiring an Interior Design Firm Might Not Be a Good Decision There are pros and cons to any decision and there are certainly situations in which working with an interior designer isn’t your best option. Whether or not you should hire an interior design firm depends on several factors including your budget, the complexity of your project, and your personal preferences. If you have an especially tight budget or have a clear vision of what you want, you might choose to do the project yourself. If you’re a DIYer or if HGTV is your Holy Grail, then hiring an interior designer may not be the right fit for you. Television budgets and real-world budgets are often very different and if you have a clear vision of what you want, then you may be able to work directly with a general contractor to fulfill your concept. Whether or not you hire professional help really depends on your specific needs and circumstances. What Should I Look for When Hiring an Interior Designer? When hiring an interior designer, there are several things to consider to ensure you find the right fit for you and your project. For instance, consider their: Experience: Look for an interior designer with a proven track record. You can check their portfolio and online reviews to see if they have experience in the type of project you are planning. Also, ask for references. Communication Skills: A good interior designer should be a good communicator, able to listen to your needs and ideas, and communicate their own ideas clearly. Look for someone who is responsive and easy to talk to. Design Style: Look for an interior designer whose design style aligns with your own aesthetic preferences. You can check their portfolio or website to get a sense of their style. Budget Management: Look for an interior designer who has experience managing budgets for similar projects. Project Management Skills: An interior designer should be able to manage all aspects of your project, from planning and design to construction (though not all interior designers manage the build phase). Look for someone who is well-organized and detail-oriented and has a process and the tools in place to run the project smoothly. Professionalism: Look for an interior designer who is professional and has a strong work ethic. They should be reliable, punctual, and transparent about their process and fees. Compatibility: Finally, it’s important to find an interior designer with whom you feel comfortable working. This is a collaborative process, so it’s important to choose someone who you trust and who understands your vision for the project. How Do I Choose an Interior Designer? Choosing an interior designer is a big decision as they will have a significant impact on the look and feel of your space. Before you start looking for an interior designer, determine your needs and goals for the project. This

Guide to Modern Wallpaper

The Ins and Outs of Modern Wallpaper

Wallpaper. Some people love it. Some people hate it. And some people want to love it, but are afraid to because of the wallpapers of the past. No matter in which group you see yourself, wallpaper is coming back in a big way. Wallpaper Design If you’re bored with paint, and getting out the stencils and sponges isn’t quite what you had in mind (please no, even if you’re thinking it), wallpaper offers a variety of choices for every aesthetic. Some we love, in the right spaces, include: Nature-inspired wallpaper: With a continued focus on sustainability and a desire to bring the outdoors inside, nature-inspired wallpapers are a great way to incorporate biophilic design into a space. Think floral patterns, botanical prints, and landscapes. Textured wallpaper: Textured wallpaper adds depth and interest to a room. These are great options for adding subtle detail and interest while not taking away from other architectural features. Of course, there are bold options, too, which can be fantastic in the right setting. Think embossed patterns, 3D designs, and woven textures. Metallic wallpaper: Metallic accents add a touch of glamour to a room, and metallic wallpaper is a great way to accomplish that. Silver, gold, and copper accents in geometric patterns or abstract designs can look beautiful in a dining room or powder room. Bold prints and patterns: In recent years, there has been a move towards bold prints and patterns. Large-scale florals, geometric prints, and abstract designs in bright colors can add the wow factor paint simply can’t. We have a client now who has chosen three of these types of prints and we can’t wait to share the finished result! Vintage wallpaper: Vintage-inspired wallpaper has been a popular trend in recent years. Art Deco designs, Victorian-era patterns, and mid-century modern prints all can work in conjunction with the architecture of the home. Benefits of Wallpaper While painting a room can truly transform it, the benefits of wallpaper go beyond making a space more visually appealing. Many types of wallpaper are more durable than paint and can last longer without showing signs of wear and tear. Wallpaper can also hide imperfections in walls, such as cracks or uneven surfaces, making them less noticeable. Cleanability is another benefit. Most wallpaper is easy to clean with a damp cloth making it a solid choice for high-traffic areas and areas that are more prone to staining. Wallpaper comes in a vast array of colors, patterns, and textures, making it easy to find a style that suits your taste and decor. Will it Go Out of Style? One question/concern we hear most often regarding wallpaper is, “Will is go out of style?” Here at SDG, we don’t design with trends in mind. Our mission is to create personal spaces that function and endure and we can’t do that if we’re focused on what we see on Instagram. Our designs begin with the architecture of the home and ensure a space feels fresh, but not “remodeled.” When choosing wallpaper, keep these points in mind and your wallpaper choices will endure the test of time: Choose a timeless pattern. While trendy patterns and colors may look great now, they may not age well. Opt for a classic pattern, such as stripes or florals that won’t look dated in five years. Stick to neutral colors. Bright, bold colors may be trendy now, but they may not be in a few years. Choose neutral colors like beige, gray, or cream that can easily be paired with different styles and colors. Consider the room’s overall design. When choosing wallpaper, consider the style and décor in the space. A style that complements the existing decor will always look stylish. Opt for quality materials. High-quality wallpaper is less likely to fade or peel over time, which will help it look better for longer. Experiment with accent walls. Instead of wallpapering an entire room, consider creating an accent wall or even a ceiling. It’s an opportunity to experiment with different patterns, colors, and textures without committing to a full room. Hire a professional. An interior designer can provide advice on timeless styles and colors. A professional wallpaper hanger will ensure that it’s done properly and will look great for years to come. How much of a Commitment is Wallpaper? It’s true. Wallpaper isn’t as easy to change as paint, and can be a bit challenging, but it’s generally easier to remove than other wall coverings like paneling or textured finishes. The removal process is usually possible to do yourself with a little bit of patience and elbow grease. The difficulty of removing wallpaper will depend on a few factors, including the type of wallpaper, the adhesive used, and how long it has been on the walls. If you find yourself in a situation in which you need to remove wallpaper, here are some tips: Start by scoring the wallpaper with a wallpaper-scoring tool or sandpaper. This will allow water or a wallpaper removal solution to penetrate the adhesive and loosen the wallpaper. Apply a wallpaper removal solution or fabric softener mixed with warm water to the wallpaper, and let it sit for several minutes. Use a putty knife or scraper to gently remove the wallpaper. Be careful not to damage the wall surface underneath. If the wallpaper is particularly stubborn, you may need to repeat the process of applying the removal solution and scraping until it’s all removed. After the wallpaper is removed, clean the walls with warm water and mild soap to remove any remaining adhesive. Where to Begin? If you’re ready to dip your toes into the world of wallpaper, a powder room or laundry room are generally safe places to start. They’re smaller spaces so it’s easier to try something outside your comfort zone. Keep scale in mind. A smaller pattern may work better in a powder room as it won’t be so chopped up. If you’re ready to dive in, bold patterns, colors, and textures work well in dining rooms and

Three Questions to Ask When Choosing Kitchen Countertops

A complete kitchen remodel typically involves a wide range of tasks, including designing, planning, and executing the renovation. Along with the tasks, countless decisions must be made that encompass both form and function. One of those decisions is to choose the type of countertop to install. Choosing the best countertop material for your kitchen can be difficult, almost as difficult as deciding where to eat as a family that’s not burgers, chicken nuggets, or pizza (tell me it’s not just me). Working with a professional interior designer or directly with the supplier can simplify the choice. They’ll be able to walk you through the myriad of factors to consider like aesthetics, durability, maintenance, and cost. Ultimately, however, answering these three questions will help you choose with confidence: Guidelines for Choosing a Countertop When thinking about what kind of tops may be best for your new kitchen, keep these guidelines in mind: What Types of Countertop Materials are Available? Let’s look at countertop material options more closely. There are several materials to choose from including granite, marble, quartz, solid surface, quartzite, porcelain, wood, and concrete. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some pros and cons of each: What Countertop Material is Most Popular Granite counters certainly had their moment several years ago. It seemed every real estate listing had “Granite Countertops” as a key selling point. While there are homeowners who still want granite tops, newer materials are taking over. Quartz and solid surface options have been in the spotlight for a few years, but quartzite, porcelain, wood, and concrete are quickly becoming materials of choice. Granite vs. Marble Often people only want to consider granite or marble for their kitchen counters. Both granite and marble are natural options, but they have different characteristics and properties. It’s important to know the differences. Granite is a natural stone known for its durability and heat resistance. It is a hard and dense material, which makes it less prone to scratches and chips. Granite also does not absorb liquids easily, meaning it’s resistant to staining and water damage. It comes in a wide range of colors and patterns, making it a versatile choice for any kitchen design. Granite is mid-priced and does require regular sealing to maintain its appearance. Marble is also a natural stone that adds an elegant look to any kitchen. It is a soft and porous material, which means it can be easily scratched and stained. Avoid using acidic products such as lemon juice, vinegar, and tomato sauce as these substances can etch or dull the surface. Pasta Grannies beware. However, with proper care and maintenance, it will last a long time. The unique veining and color variations in marble give it a distinctive appearance, but it also can be quite expensive. The choice between granite and marble comes down to personal preference and budget. If you want a durable and low-maintenance option, granite is the no-brainer choice. But if you want a timeless and elegant look, and you’re as neat as Martha Stewart, marble may be the more perfect choice for you. Quartz vs. Solid Surface Quartz is a man-made material produced from natural quartz crystals combined with resin and pigments. It is extremely durable and resistant to scratches (if you must chop directly, go ahead), stains (pass the red wine!), and heat (you won’t have to worry about shattering the material like I may or may not have done once). Quartz is available in a wide range of colors and patterns and is easily maintained which makes it a popular choice for busy families. Solid surface is also man-made and created from a blend of acrylic and polyester materials. It is durable and easy to maintain, but not as heat resistant as quartz. While it can be scratched (use the cutting board!), it can be repaired and restored relatively easily. Solid surface offers a wide range of colors and patterns to fit most aesthetics. A benefit solid surface countertops have over quartz is the fact they have invisible seams, which makes them suitable for longer countertops and allows for the creation of integrated sink bowls. For certain design styles, this is a must. However, if you don’t need an island that can seat a football team, quartz is a great choice for families whose kitchens are as lived-in as their living rooms. Quartzite vs. Porcelain Quartzite is a natural stone composed of sandstone that’s been transformed under heat and high pressure (cool, right?!). It has a unique appearance that can range from white and gray to pink, red, and yellow, and can have a distinctive veining pattern. The pattern is often a large distinct movement that’s one of a kind and is chosen for its bold statement. While quartzite is durable, it’s also porous and must be sealed with wax, acrylic, or polyurethane to prevent stains. Conversely, porcelain is a man-made material. It is a type of ceramic that is made from a mixture of kaolin, feldspar, and quartz that is fired at high temperatures. It is very durable and resists scratches and heat plus it’s non-porous making it a hygienic and low-maintenance option for both indoor and outdoor use. These countertops can mimic the look of natural stone and can be made in a variety of colors, patterns, and finishes which means you can have the natural stone look without the required maintenance. It is a hard surface, but it can be brittle and chip if hit with a heavy object, so try to keep the pan throwing to a minimum. Which to choose? If you want a natural stone with a unique and distinctive appearance, choose quartzite. If you want a durable and heat-resistant option with a wide range of colors, patterns, and finishes, then you’ll want to investigate porcelain more closely. Concrete vs. Wood Wood countertops are warm, not only in look, but also in feel, natural, and can work with all design styles. They can be repaired if damage should

What To Do with Your Television

The Worst Place to Hang Your TV If your home has a fireplace, the odds are high that your television is mounted above it. It’s a popular location as furniture is often arranged around this gathering spot, so it seems like a great place for the television, too. However, that assumption couldn’t be more wrong. Last year, over Spring Break, my family and I rented a house in the mountains in east Tenessee. I loved everything about the house (there was a private tram on the property we rode down the mountain to get to the lake!) except the TV in the living room. It was mounted on the massive stone fireplace and the only comfortable location in which to watch it was standing in the kitchen. Mounting the television on an adjustable mount and being able to lower it for a better viewing angle would have been great, but then, if the fireplace was on, the view of the fire would have been blocked, plus we would have run the risk of roasting the back of the TV. It’s Likely Too High Mounting your television above your fireplace likely means it’s mounted too high. Unless you have a very low fireplace, it’s an awkward viewing angle. In most cases, watching it while seated in your favorite chair will be uncomfortable and the picture will doubtlessly be distorted. Would it surprise you to know TVs should be close to eye level when you’re sitting? Most people hang their pictures too high, too, but that’s another post. We all know heat rises so anything above your fireplace is going to be affected by it including your television. So, beyond the uncomfortable viewing angle, there is also the possibility of damaging the TV. Heat damage will likely not be covered by the warranty and, while most TVs have certainly decreased in price, especially on Black Friday, do you really want to run the risk of overheating it and having to replace it before its time? Finally, mounting your TV over the fireplace detracts from the architecture of your room. A TV above the fireplace becomes the focal point. You don’t want to take away from the beautiful stonework or your custom mantel, but it doesn’t even have to be the fireplace itself. It can draw attention away from other architecturally interesting elements or artwork or even your furniture! But then again, maybe you don’t want anyone to look at the rest of your room and if that’s the case, perhaps you’re ready to give us a call. Where Should You Mount Your Television? While above the fireplace is a popular location, it’s not ideal and there are alternatives to consider. Almost any other practical place in your home where the TV is not above the fireplace is a more appropriate location. If there is room off to the side of your fireplace and your furniture arrangement works, mount it there on the wall or put it on a stand. Think about other interesting ways to incorporate the TV into your living space. There are smart-looking artist-easel-type stands that work for TVs which allow you to position the television almost anywhere. If you have a window that’s wider than your TV, consider placing the television in front with blackout curtains behind. The curtains will block the light providing a nice backdrop for the TV. Another option is to hang the television on the wall and add shelves around it and a cabinet beneath to give it a built-in look. The cabinet can hide media players and game consoles and the mass of wires and cables that often accompany media centers. Above the Fireplace is the ONLY Option Some of you are likely thinking the only place in your room where a television will fit is above the fireplace. If that’s you, we do have a few suggestions. First, see how hot the wall above your fireplace gets. To do that, tape a thermometer where you think you want your TV to hang and leave it there for at least an hour (with the fireplace on). If the temperature stays below 100 degrees Fahrenheit, then you should be able to safely mount the television there. A couple of tips that may help lower the temperature is installing a mantel that extends further into the room helping to bock rising heat and/or using a blower that directs heat into the center of the room. In order to take the focus off your TV, consider putting it behind a special framed two-way mirror that looks like a mirror when the tv is off, but disappears when it is on. Or purchase a TV that looks like framed art when not in use. Or build in the TV so that it can be closed off when not in use. HOWEVER, all these options still have the height issue unless you use a special mount to lower it to the appropriate viewing height. But then there continues to be the issue of heat and in that case, you may simply choose to not use the fireplace while you watch television. Remember when televisions came in cabinets? Choosing the location of where to put those monsters seemed simpler. But at least we don’t have to get up to change the channel now.  

Interior Design: Trends for 2021

What’s In and What’s Out If you spend much time at all on the internet, you’re sure to see articles touting what interior design elements and home décor are in and what are out this year. You may have even received similar articles in your inbox. While reading any of them, you’ve probably found yourself either nodding in agreement with the article that confirms your hexagon backsplash was a good investment, wondering how in the world the author could think that you should part ways with your avocado cabinets, or be completely confused because one article states symmetry in your living room is what you should strive for while another states the exact opposite. How is one to know what elements won’t be tired and outdated in five years?! Don’t Design for Trends There’s an easy way to avoid costly designs you’ll dislike a few years down the road: Do not design to the trends. Design for what you like. Design for functionality. Design for the architecture of your home. Design for the way you live. (Those open glass shelves in the kitchen are beautiful, but only when they’re spotless, so unless you’re willing to dust daily, they may not be the best option for you.) Just because an element or a style is suddenly seen everywhere, doesn’t necessarily make it a trend that we’ll look back on in disbelief we ever incorporated it into our homes. For instance, shiplap has been popular for several years and when placed appropriately, it won’t go out of style. Same with wood beams or barn doors. Those look trendy in a 1970s ranch, but can be timeless in a cottage or cabin. Open Concept: One Trend that is Changing Residential design tends to follow commercial design. Once modern office designs moved toward open workspaces, companies found that the open concept actually hindered productivity due to a lack of privacy, natural distractions, and sound control. It’s understandable that when workers who weren’t used to working from home suddenly had to, they found that their open concept at home didn’t function well either. We are now seeing some of our residential clients moving away from the open concept. For their lifestyle, they find it doesn’t work for them – lack of sound control, difficulty in furniture and artwork placement, lack of privacy – all can make living and working difficult. Maybe those walls aren’t so bad after all. Holistic Approach to Design When embarking on an interior design project, it’s important to take the entire space into account, not just the one room in which you may be working. You don’t want it to feel “remodeled.” How do you function in the space? How does the area flow with the spaces nearby? To make the most of your investment, ensure your interior designer designs for the era and the architecture of your home. In some cases, you’ll need someone who can blend styles. Say you love modern design, but your home is traditional. Find someone who can help you successfully meld the two. That’s how the space in which you live endures the plethora of trends that come and go and will save you money in the long run.

Interior Designers and Interior Decorators are not One in the Same

A few weeks ago, I received a call from someone who inquired about furniture arranging. She asked, “You’re an interior design firm; is that something you do?” Well, yes. But it’s not a standalone service we offer. That’s interior decorating, which is a service we include within larger renovation projects. Interior decoration is not the same as interior design and knowing exactly what an interior design firm is and what they do can be confusing. I’m sure the person who called is not the only one who wonders the same thing, “What is the difference between interior design and interior decorating?” Interior Designer vs. Interior Decorator The services interior decorators and interior designers offer are often muddled. An interior decorator is someone you hire to help choose and arrange furniture and accessories to make the space beautiful. They don’t need special education or licenses. On the other hand, an interior designer has studied color theory and fabric, architecture, drawing, computer-aided drafting (CAD), and more. They work with their clients to create space plans that improve functionality, solve problems, and make the space beautiful. Improving functionality might mean moving walls or plumbing, so working with someone who understands the ins and outs of those types of decisions is important. Running into unforeseen obstacles is always a possibility when remodeling a home, but working with someone knowledgeable and experienced in making those types of changes can mitigate risks and save significant budget. It boils down to this: Interior designers may decorate, but interior decorators do not design. Who Should You Hire? When it comes time to hire a professional to help with your project, you’ll need to determine the services you most likely need. Do you need to improve the functionality of your space and think moving walls and adding windows will be necessary? Then you’ll need to work with an interior designer. If you just require help choosing furniture and paint color and perhaps window treatments, then working with an interior decorator is appropriate. Once you solidify the services you need, do your homework. Meet with a couple of professionals to get a feel for how they work. Do you like what you see in their portfolio? Do they have a tried and true process they can describe to you? Does it make sense? How often do they budget? Do they review numbers throughout the process or just at the end? Finally, does their personality fit with yours? You’re going to potentially work with them for many months. They’re going to be in your personal spaces. You want to ensure you’ll be able to work with them long-term. The designer must get to know you and understand your behavior in order to address your pain points. The relationship runs deep. Enjoy the Experience Now that you have a better sense of which service you need, interior design vs. interior decoration, go forth and enjoy the experience. Home renovation is never stress-free, but with the right team, it is enjoyable.

On the Ninth Day of Christmas, Spectrum Design Group Gives You: Nine Gotta Have it Gifts

On the Ninth Day of Christmas, Spectrum Design Group Gives You: Nine Gotta Have it Gifts, Eight Colors for 2021, Seven Holiday Movies (that should be made), Six Holiday Activities, Five Completed Projects, Four Recipes, Three Holiday Cocktails, Two Resolutions, and One New Website in a pear tree. Christmas is less than two weeks away! How is that possible?! It’s so true what “they” say, the days are often long, but the years fly by (even 2020). Have you finished your shopping, or do you still have those hard-to-buy-for-people on your list? If you’re trying to come up with the perfect gift for that impossible person who has everything, no worries. We got you. If you subscribe to our newsletter, some of these may seem familiar. If you haven’t subscribed, do it now so you never miss our Gotta Have Its (among other things we share quarterly). Happy shopping! Zero Gravity Tub The Flotation Tub with Zero Dimension® is the epitome of luxury and by far the most expensive gift on our list. The shape of the tub is what initially caught our eye, but then we read “zero-gravity.” If you’ve ever been to a floatation spa, this tub offers the same benefits of a floatation chamber in the comfort of your own home. Its innovative shape simulates a gravity-less bathing position just like an astronaut in space. The tub also features Hydrohands technology which uses specially calibrated jets that create a spiraling motion in the water. It’s designed to target specific muscles for deeper relaxation. There is also an electrostatic touch controller onboard for easy control and LED lighting around the base of the tub for added ambiance. You will definitely score some points with this tub by Toto. Bond Touch Bracelets Our next idea is the Bond Touch Bracelets. These bracelets close the distance between big gaps and now the smaller gaps caused by our need to socially distance ourselves from many of the people with whom we are closest. They come in pairs and allow you to share your touch with your loved one. No matter where they are in the world, when you’re thinking of them, touch your bracelet and they’ll feel your touch through their bracelet. How cool is that?!   Mango Slicer This mango slicer makes an excellent gift or stocking stuffer. For any mango-lover, it simplifies the slicing process which means they may actually get eaten rather than turning to mush in the fridge. You can find our favorite slicer here. Whisk Wiper Who still likes to lick the batter bowls? We plead the fifth, but we’re super excited for this gadget that makes it so much easier to do so…if you’re into that sorta thing. For those of you who are tired of getting your tongue or fingers stuck in the whisk (or are tired of cleaning up drips and messy counters – you practical people you) the Whisk Wiper is a must-have! Compostable Cooler One thing we love to do around here is eat, so, in the summer, we’re on the lookout for easy, fresh recipes for food that travels easily to the park, the lakefront, or the campsite. How to pack it so it stays fresh is always a concern. When you want something portable, but don’t want to bother with a permanent cooler, Styrofoam coolers have been the go-to…until now. Thanks to Igloo, we now have an environmentally friendly compostable option! And besides it being compostable, maybe the best part is there’s no more annoying “Styrofoam squeak!” It’s only $10 making it an affordable alternative. Ember Wave For the people on your list who never seem to be at a comfortable temperature, consider gifting them an Ember Wave. This must-have gadget may be just what they need to finally be comfortable no matter where they are. This wearable gadget promises to warm you up when you’re miserably cold or cool you down when you feel like you’re roasting. It’s a must-have for everyone! Carbon LITE WiFi has taken over our modern lives and has created the ability to connect remotely to many standard household appliances making control just a cell phone away. The Carbon LITE wireless Bluetooth remote meat thermometer by Lavatools helps ensure a successful Christmas feast or weeknight dinner. While many items featuring “smart” control seem to sit at a higher price point, this thermometer is reasonably priced at $39.99 from Amazon. So, if you know someone prone to replicating the turkey cutting scene from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, this wireless thermometer may be the perfect gift. Salt Gun Shoofly! Don’t bother me! If you have someone on your list who has ever uttered these words, or maybe an R-rated version, this gadget is for them. Developed by SKELL INC., this air-powered “fly killer” uses plain table salt as ammo functioning like a shotgun only on a scale that’s deadly to flies. It’s kind of brilliant. Check out videos on their website to see the Bug-A-Salt in action. There are several vendors online that carry this product, but, of course, Amazon has it. Bicycle Pizza Cutter Any bicycle enthusiasts on your list? Or pizza lovers? Either way, this unique bicycle pizza cutter will surely put you a cut above other gifters. Simply “ride” the bike across a pizza while both the front and back wheels make the slice. When not in use, this cutter comes with a bike stand making it very handy. The best part about this whole deal? You won’t have to purchase a helmet! If you gotta have it, you can find it on Amazon.

On the Sixth Day of Christmas, Spectrum Design Group Gives You: Six Central IL Holiday Activities

On the Sixth Day of Christmas, Spectrum Design Group gives you: Six Holiday Activities, Five Before & Afters, Four Holiday Dishes, Three Holiday Cocktails, Two Resolutions, and One Website in a pear tree. All around central Illinois, there are still many opportunities to celebrate the season responsibly and socially distanced. We see this as an opportunity to experience the events we may not have had time for in the past due to our other traditions. Who knows? Some of these opportunities may be the traditions to which we look forward in the coming years. Here is our roundup of our favorite six. For more activities, visit chambanamoms.com and check out their up-to-date event calendar. 1. Santa’s Drive-Thru Workshop Crisis Nursery’s Annual Holiday Shop isn’t happening this year. Instead, they’re offering families the opportunity to drive through the fairgrounds to take a photo with Santa and visit the Giving Tree. Santa’s helpers have hidden golden tickets for a lucky few to find throughout the weekend as well. When: December 11 – 13 Where: Champaign County Fairgrounds in Urbana, IL 2. Luminaries of Hope & Live Nativity The Cunningham Children’s Home campus will be lit with 777 Luminaries of Hope, representing each of the youth, adults, and families served this year. Along with a live nativity, luminaries will be lit throughout the campus at 1301 N. Cunningham Avenue in Urbana, from 6–8 p.m., December 5th, 12th, and 19th. When guests arrive, they will receive a program featuring the names of all who have purchased luminaries of hope and the names for whom they are honoring or memorializing. When: December 12, & 19 from 6 – 8pm Where: 1301 N. Cunningham, Urbana, IL 3. Lighting up the Croft Some say this is the best display of holiday lights in Champaign. You be the judge and let us know if you find someplace better! To view the display, enter Greencroft Drive from Kirby Avenue then exit onto Prospect Avenue. Be sure to tune your radio to 106.5FM. When: 4:30 – Midnight every day until January 6, 2021 Where: 22 Greencroft Drive, Champaign, IL 4. Santa at Bass Pro & Festival of Lights This is Kara’s yearly tradition. She and the boys head to East Peoria to visit Santa at his workshop then they drive through the Festival of Lights. This year is a little different because you have to make a reservation to meet Santa and he’ll be behind a plexiglass barrier, but you’ll still get a free picture and the chance to enjoy the big aquarium and animal displays (and maybe do a little Christmas shopping while you’re there). The Festival of Lights is a 2020 Season 8 contender for The Great Christmas Light Fight on ABC TV! 2020 also marks the 36th year of lighted holiday cheer. This display never disappoints. When: Bass Pro: November 7 – December 24 Festival of Lights: November 26, 2020 – January 3, 2021 5. Winter Nights at Porter Park Champaign Park District will light up the trail around the pond in Robert C. Porter Family Park for families to enjoy until January 3, 2021! There will be plenty of photo opportunities along the lighted path that leads to a mailbox where children can mail their letters to Santa. When: November 27th to January 3rd from 4 – 9pm Where: 2310 S Rising Road, Champaign, IL 6. Griswold House Don’t let the season end without a visit to the Griswold’s in Mahomet. If Christmas Vacation is on your holiday must-watch list (stay tuned for our list), then you’ll certainly appreciate this spectacular 100,000+ light display created by George and Dixie Schoonover. They’ve been providing holiday magic to Mahomet residents for over 40 years. When: Throughout December Where: 701 N Timberview, Mahomet, IL

On the First Day of Christmas, Spectrum Design Group Gives You: One New Website!

Last year, at our annual holiday open house, we revealed our redesigned logo and revised mission statement. This year, we took that a few steps further and revamped our website and introduced a blog. While 2020 has given all of us more than our fair share of unappreciated surprises, our redesigned website hopefully isn’t one of them. This new site has been something we’ve poured our heart and soul into. It’s our desire for it to be an introduction to who we are as well as a source of inspiration for you. Within these pages, you’ll find more about each of us, the services we provide, our design process, and why we do what we do. Of course, our portfolio is the highlight. We realize there’s a lot of content, but we believe you’ll find it valuable. This endeavor truly was a family affair as Cory’s brother, Joel Rodeheaver, captured the candid shots of our team, took our headshots, and is editing a video that we had hoped to share today, too, but #CovidStruckAgain. If you need a photographer/videographer, he’s incredible (and we’d say that even if he wasn’t Cory’s brother). Happy Holidays, friends. We hope you’ll stay awhile and explore a bit as we look forward to sharing the 12 Days of Christmas with you SDG-style. Since we won’t see you at our holiday open house this year, we hope to “see” you in the comments. Cheers!

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